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Squiggla Workshops at The Arts House Trust

The Arts House Trust and Squiggla have teamed up to bring you fun and educational art workshops this school holidays!

Squiggla x The Arts House Trust
Tues 1 October: 10am - 12pm
Wed 2 October: 10am - 12pm
Thur 3 October: 10am - 12pm
Suitable for ages 6 - 12
Tickets $20.00 per person
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Unlock your creativity and have some fun exploring a variety of visual thinking and mark-making or doodling techniques in a guided workshop. Squiggla is an engaging mark-making activity designed for all ages. Squiggla encourages participants to explore and experiment without the constraints of traditional art or representation. This approach opens up new perspectives and enhances how you see, feel, sense, think, and observe the world around you.

We have three workshops taking place in October, ticketed at $20.00 per person. We invite parents/guardians to participate with their children/whānau in the workshops, parents do not need to buy a separate ticket.

Presented by Squiggla, Aotearoa New Zealand as part of the Chartwell Charitable Trust.

Cost: $20 (children must be accompanied by an adult)

We are all naturally creative! In the world of Squiggla, you will experience mark making in action. You are invited to exercise and embrace your creative thinking with whānau and friends. Experiment with marks, dots and lines to play, make, imagine and invent – explore your curiosity and unleash new ideas! By discovering the possibilities of mark making and leaving behind the pressures to make art or to represent something you see in the world, you uncover fresh ways of looking, feeling, sensing, thinking and observing.
— Squiggla


Developed in Aotearoa New Zealand, Squiggla is a hands-on creative visual thinking programme. We increasingly know the importance of creativity for well-being and no matter what age you are, you can exercise and train to think more creatively. After all, learning is what our brains and bodies do all the time. Squiggla mark making activities tap into the senses, our hands, eye, mind and heart. Squiggla does not seek meaning from familiar, recognisable images. So we encourage all to break from familiar habits, disrupt barriers to creating in the moment and relax into the process of playful exploration. Ask yourself the question: What if? Then there is no longer the need to reproduce something else 'out there in the world'. Using research about the creative process has helped Squiggla develop ways to bring these dimensions into the programme.

Presented by Squiggla, Aotearoa New Zealand as part of the Chartwell Charitable Trust.


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