The Arts House Trust has an ongoing commitment to create and increase public access to works held in the Collection through the Loans Programme. The Trust currently has over 1,500 artworks placed with over 100 sites throughout New Zealand, increasing engagement with and presenting works spanning the breadth of the Collection, comprising of works by established as well as emerging artists.
Alongside making works available for inclusion in exhibitions to galleries, museums and art institutions to complement their exhibition programmes, the Trust loans works to schools, hospitals, universities, civic spaces and government bodies, amongst others, on a permanent revolving loan basis.
Enquiries are welcome to discuss your organisation’s eligibility.
Art Loans Programme
Wintec David McCracken, Portrait of Mass and Light, 2013, Welded aluminium, 800 x 500 x 200mm. Seung Yul Oh, oioio (sky blue with light blue base and trims), 2010, fibreglass and two-pot automotive paint, 700 x 600mm. Michael Parekowhai, Atarangi (Maquette for Te Tuhi), 2004, Two-pot automotive paint and aluminium, 1400 x 230 x 230mm.
Auckland Theatre Company Andrew McLeod, Beginning, 2009, Oil on canvas, 2000 x 1700mm (framed).
AUT Akoranga Campus Philip Trusttum, Chess Knight, 1974, Oil on board, 1800 x 1400mm.
AUT Wellesley Campus Peter Gibson Smith, Music, 2003, Egg tempera on inlaid gesso on wooden panels, 266 pieces, 3000 x 2400 x 20mm (overall).
Otahuhu College Daniel McLaren, Untitled, 1994, oil and shellac on canvas, 1800 x 1300mm. Kyle Yao, Figure with colour Composition, Charcoal and oil on canvas, 1340 x 1250mm. Kenneth Merrick, Foible, 2015, mixed media on canvas, 1700 x 2300mm. Sam Foley, Intersection, Canongate and Maori Road, 2008, oil on canvas with digital projection, 1120 x 1600mm.
Waitemata DHB, Waitakere Hospital Gregor Kregar, Lost World: Brachiosaur Drawing, 2015, Watercolour and ink on paper, 900 x 705mm (framed and glazed).
Wise Management Hamilton Philip Trusttum, Return Ticket, 1977, Oil on canvas, 3450 x 1880mm.
Auckland Hospital Gretchen Albrecht, Garden No. 16, 1971, acrylic on canvas, 1440 x 1040mm Emily Karaka, Mauri Pacific Koru, 1999, mixed media, 1350 x 1150mm
Waikato Hospital Don Peebles, Untitled, 1984, acrylic on canvas, 2700 x 2050mm
Takapuna Grammar School Sam Mitchell, Janus, 2010, acrylic on Perspex, diptych, framed, 1055 x 805mm (each panel)
Waikato Hospital Kura Te Waru Rewiri, Kei hea to mana, Rangitoto…, 1988, acrylic on canvas, 2165 x 1770mm Emily Karaka, Manaia, c. 1984, acrylic on three board panels, 1170 x 570mm
Waikato Hospital Philip Trusttum, Garden/ verso Cow, 1963, oil on board, 2430 x 1210mm
ASB Waterfront Theatre, ATEED (Auckland Tourism, Events & Economic Development), Auckland Boys Grammar, Auckland Council, Auckland Hospital, Auckland Spinal Rehabilitation Unit, AUT Akoranga Campus, AUT Manukau Campus, AUT Wellesley Campus
BDO Auckland, Birkdale Intermediate, British High Commission Wellington, Brookfields Lawyers
Epsom Girls Grammar School, Contact Energy, Foundation North, Government House Auckland, Hawkins Performing Arts Centre, Henderson High School, Holy Trinity Cathedral, Klein Architects, Manukau Super Clinic, Marcellin College, Middlemore Hospital, Monte Cecilia School,North Shore Hospital, Ormiston College, Otahuhu College
Pioneer Capital Management, Premier House Wellington, Presbyterian Support Northern, Royston Hospital, St Peters College, Supreme Court Wellington, Takapuna Grammar School
Unitec, Waikato Diocesan School for Girls, Waikato Hospital, Waikato Innovation Park, Waitakere Hospital, Westlake Boys High School, Westlake Girls High School
Wise Management Hamilton, Wise Management Wellington, Wise Management Whanganui