Matthew Allerby, untitled (2017), 600x420mm mixed media on paper
Māpura Studios: Colour Light
November 7, 2017 - December 10, 2017
“Colours. Like features, follow the changes of emotions.”- Pablo Picasso
These impressionistic works provide energetic colour abstractions, playing with material, light and composition. Vibration of complimentary colours and colour fields in these works express richness and warmth. Their abstraction is an invite to pause and enter into the glorious world of colour.
Māpura Studios provides professional, person-centred, visual arts classes and art therapy programmes for adults, youth and children of all abilities in their studio in Fowlds Park, St Lukes, and at satellite locations around Auckland. Particular provision is made for people living with disability and diversity or other social and personal need. Programmes are a unique synthesis of arts practice & self development. Over 170 attend the subsidised weekly programmes including people living with the experience of Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, visual impairment, intellectual disability and deafness. Māpura Studios also specialises in art therapy programmes and visual art sessions for adults with stroke-affect; art therapy for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder; and transition sessions for Very High Need students from Carlson School for Celebral Palsy.
Their visual arts programmes deliver an in-depth, experiential learning process orientated to the requirements, competencies and circumstances of the artists. The work provides a vehicle for self-development and well being through creative expression and builds companionship and social community.
Māpura Studios maintain an extensive exhibition calendar at a number of public spaces and community galleries throughout Auckland (including Pah Homestead, Studio One Toi Tu – formerly Artstation, Corban Estate Art Centre, Mairangi Arts Centre, Bruce Mason Centre) to showcase artists’ work in the public arena.
Māpura Studios (formerly known as Spark Centre of Creative Development) is an independent organisation, governed by Panacea Arts Charitable Trust (CC20808) and funded by donations, sponsorships, grants and programme fees.
This exhibition showcases the works by the 2017 students and celebrates their artistic achievements.