Mish O’Neil, Hillsborough Bay 1 June 2016: 2.30- 3.45 pm, Fuji crystal archive
Mish O’Neill: Looking Beyond
September 12 — November 12, 2017
Photography Room
Mish O’Neill is a lensless photographic artist from Dunedin. Currently completing her MFA at Whitecliffe College, Auckland, her practice is process driven by lensless photography. Projects begin with the idea of a camera to build a room, or a room to transform into a camera. Her work then uses these fabricated forms as a fragile platform to look at parallels between light and social environments. O’Neill often continues these investigations without a camera, making solar- and photograms, to further explore what spatial role light plays in our lives.
For this exhibition, Mish O’Neill has transformed the Turret at the Pah Homestead into a Camera Obscura, taking large pieces of colour photographic paper into the Camera and making exposures directly onto it – the results, unique fragile negative works celebrate both a historical photographic technique and the beautiful Auckland heritage building itself.
This exhibition is presented as part of Auckland Heritage Festival 2017.