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Tanu Gago: The Sound Of The Ocean & Pati Solomona Tyrell: Fa'aafa

Tanu Gago: The Sound Of The Ocean & Pati Solomona Tyrell: Fa'aafa
26 January 2016 - 28 February 2016
AV Gallery

Pati Solomona Tyrell, FA’AAFA (2015), HD Digital Video, mp4

Tanu Gago, The Sound of the Ocean (2015), HD Digital Video, mp4

Works by two leading Auckland artists will be featured as part of Pride Festival at the Pah Homestead, TSB Bank Wallace Arts Centre. 



A solo performance by Pati Solomona Tyrell features a portrayal of his ideas around the Samoan term ‘fa’aafa’, the concept of half. The piece uses elements of traditional Samoan culture - dance, music, costume and language fusing it with the artist's contemporary urban Pacific context.


The Sound of the Ocean

This work by Auckland artist Tanu Gago looks at the self-preservation of authentic Pacific experiences, as they exist in the real world, disavowing the historical and empirical western gaze used to author Pacific still life and the moving visual representation of Pacific people in NZ.


Please join us for the opening celebration and special performance: Monday 25 January, 6pm

Exhibition Talk: Saturday 13 February, 11.30am

15 December

Still Light - The Photography of Marti Friedlander

16 February

Madeleine Slavick: 香 HONG 港 KONG 嗓 SONG