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Music at Midday: Nigel Gavin and special guests

Saturday 6 July, 12-1pm
FREE Event
Nigel Gavin with special guests, playing folk music

Nigel has long been a featured player in New Zealand's music scene, playing guitar, banjo, mandolin, bass - indeed, almost anything with strings - with the Nairobi Trio, the Fondue Set, the Jews Brothers Band, the Blue Bottom StompersBelow the Bassline, Jonathan Besser's Bravura, and his own Snorkel, among others. 

Music at Midday returns to Pah Homestead with an hour of free live music from 12 to 1pm each Saturday.

Auckland is rich with a diverse range of creative musical talent and we celebrate this every week.  Sit down in the drawing room to enjoy the live music, or peruse the galleries while you listen to the music drifting through the building.

30 June

Artist Workshop Series: Beaded Besties!

7 July

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