Rebecca Plowman, 2022 Fire + Clay Second Merit Award
Saturday 26 August, 11am
FREE Event
No registration required
The annual Fire + Clay exhibition showcases and awards the outstanding pottery and ceramics of members of Auckland Studio Potters (ASP). Join us for a curator talk with ASP’s Hayley Bridgford and walk-through of this year’s work. Works are available for purchase.
The Auckland Studio Potters Association (ASP) has promoted and supported potters in Auckland for over 50 years. That kind of loyalty has enabled the ASP to flourish, to enhance recognition for the pottery and ceramic arts in Auckland and New Zealand.
In 1961 the ASP was initially set up by an amalgamation of most of the smaller pottery societies around Auckland. Over the years the organisation grew as the popularity of pottery grew.
Today, potters like Andrew Van der Putten, Chris Southern, Rebecca Ploughman, Jo-Anne Raill, Pauline McCoy, Jenny Lange and Richard Naylor are long-serving tutors. Margaret Sumich, Peter Lange, Renton Murray and many more potters have helped to make the ASP what it is today. The members gather frequently for exhibition openings, artist talks, and specialised firings are held from time to time – salt, wood, soda and anagma.
Exhibition Sponsors: