Image credit: Yllwbro, CR140, 07.40h31.85s, Canis Major, 2017
Courtesy the artists and Mokopōpaki, Auckland
23 June — 7 August 2022
Little Gallery
This exhibition is part of the Matariki Festival 2022
Sibling artist collaboration Yllwbro reflect on a formative learning experience that first introduced them to the science of astronomy. As small children, Yllwbro were encouraged by their Koro to “Titiro ake!” or “Look up!” In Little Dog Laughed the artists remind us of the beauty of the night sky and the insight to be gained when our consciousness is raised.
South of the cluster known as Matariki, Yllwbro pursue the spirit of the New Year exploring “Te Kāhui Takurua” or the star fields present in “Canis Major - Big Dog”, and like “Canis Minor - Little Dog”, who laughed, Yllwbro invite us to “Titiro ake! Look up!” and see the stars ourselves.
Yllwbro is an anonymous sibling artist collaboration. Big sister and little brother. Wētā and Kōkako. They are walking along a road often travelled by others having left their tiny studio. Taking with them only good humour and their fondness for each other, a maxed-out credit card, mobile phone and the most serious intentions in the world.
Yllwbro’s work is represented in public collections including Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa, Victoria University of Wellington Art Collection and The Wallace Arts Trust. Yllwbro is represented by Mokopōpaki, Auckland. Mokopōpaki exhibition history: Variously Equal Terms; Household Hints: Ahikaea; The Dutch Embassy (with PĀNiA! and A.A.M. Bos) (2019); Piripoho (with Billy Apple); WARY-A Survey (with A.A.M. Bos) (2018); Brown Room Subtraction (with Billy Apple); Other Perspectives; Little Dog Laughed (2017).