December 12, 2017 - February 11, 2018
First Floor
Reece King, A Jazz Sorta Day (2017), Oil on Canvas, 1100x900mm.
Paintings by Tira Walsh, Gabriel Tiongson and Reece King.
Established parameters imitate seemly familiar laws and systems to create a doorway, once in, any approximations are then roundhouse kicked in the face. Fumbling and quivering one is left disoriented; marks form images and then move from marks to forms, then forms form spaces, then form to forms in space and back to marks. In true form, the works give the run-around, leave you guessing and keep you on your toes.
Having trained at the same dojo the three painters share a similar disposition. One with their technique, technique is one their content – which inevitably shines from within like a heartbeat. Thus, with life, each work is of its own character, consequently complex, and difficult to perceive with preconceived thinking.
Please join us for the Opening Celebration on Tuesday 12 December, from 6pm.