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 Fiona Frew, Mapped Flotsam, flotsam and Jetson from Kakanui waterways, 2024.

Denise Callan, Fiona Frew, Fran Carter, Genie Lee, Grace Yu Piper, Lisa van Hulst, Louise Hill, Nellie Peoples, Rachel Chapnam, Rose Pickernell, Tūī Diprose
8 November 2024 - 16 February 2025
Upstairs Galleries

HANDSHAKE is an arts mentorship programme in New Zealand established for independent jewellery artists. It is designed to nurture individual practices through resources, guidance and inspiration, to create unique and meaningful pieces that reflect artistic styles and perspectives.

HANDSHAKE, founded by award winning contemporary jeweller and teacher, Peter Deckers, is now in its 13th year. The two-year programme encourages experimentation, feedback, development and exhibitions for selected graduate artists. There are masterclasses, workshops, coaching and individual mentors (who are renowned national and international jewellery artists) to support professional development in this artistic field.

The first year is designed to facilitate experimental creative exercises and to develop new ideas. The second year is a time for greater personal artistic growth and critical reflection while individual mentors and mentees work together. The culmination of each year is a group exhibition.

‘I joined Handshake in order to push my practice and have a safe and supportive space to experiment… At the beginning I was reluctant to let go but I realised that there can be two (or more!) ways of working.’
— Grace Yu Piper

HANDSHAKE8 present the culmination of their Handshake journey in the Materialise exhibition at The Arts House Trust, Pah Homestead, Auckland.

This exhibition is the end of the Handshake journey for participating artists. In the past, Handshake creatives have continued to exhibit together, developing relationships with the mentors, coaches, and alumni of the programme. HANDSHAKE Alumni (curated) is a programme that focuses on new challenges and networking opportunities for current and ex-Handshakers. Please continue to follow HANDSHAKE in the future and witness the expansion of the New Zealand jewellery scene.

The eleven HS8 participants with their mentors:

Denise Callan                   Mah Rana

Fran Carter                       Renee Bevan

Rachel Chapman             Katrin Spranger

Tui Diprose                        Estela Saez-Vlanova

Fiona Frew                         Roseanne Bartley

Louise Hill                          Judith Darragh

Lisa Van Hulst                   Manon van Kouswijk

Genie Lee                          Renee Bevan

Nellie Peoples                   Neke Moa

Rose Pickernell                  Moniek Schrijer

Grace Yu Piper                  Karl Fritsch




8 November

Isaiah Okeroa: Io